
 admin   2023-09-17 16:00   60 人阅读  0 条评论

郴州莲塘天气案 What's the weather like?

燕儿岛天气案 1. 询天气情况的常用套语How's the weather today? 今天天气怎样?What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?How's the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样

阿坝铁丹家具五金价格案 What is the wether like? What was the wether like? What will be the wether like? Notes后面两句在运用时需要一定的时间壮语,这样才会符合英语的一般表达习惯。

青海河天气案 What is the weather like today? 或者 How is the weather today? 都可以表达。 希望对你有帮助。

汕尾职业技术学院未来规划案 查天气,可以直接打114查号码也可以打114

汉中第一列火车案 一般是时间词放地点词后面,比如 What's the weather like in Beijing today?

天秤座的专属网名男古风案 How is the weather?What's the weather like?

林州调天气案 1,how is the weather in someplace during spring(summer/autumn/winter) 或者what is 多云的cloudy,起风的windy,下雪的snowy等等 不同天气做的事情是指什么? make

大丘天气案 天气What is the weather? 或How is the weather?英语中最常见的时态有三种过去时,现在时,将来时。


鄚州天气案 What is the weather like? 或者How is the weather?用what天气的时候,一定不要忘了后面有个like而用how天气是则不用like这2个句子是固定的、专门天气的模式句

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