
 admin   2023-09-10 18:00   62 人阅读  0 条评论

第一妇婴价格案 I would like to go to picnic tomorrow, do you think the weather is suitable for do you think the weather is good for my picnic tomorrow?(你觉得明天的天气适合我

南京滨天气案 The weather today is suitable for one to stay in the house.祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

中老年加绒秋冬毛衣案 这天气适合耍朋友 The weather is good for playing friends.这天气适合耍朋友 The weather is good for playing friends.

华为日历时间投屏案 The weather is good for swimming today.

天气的海南是的,今天的天气适合约会.的翻译是Yes, the weather today is good for dating

辽阳天气今日案 您好! 翻译为The weather of that day was happen to be suitable for walking.

滨河租房沙发案 The air is fresh and the temperature is suitable.这里空气新鲜,温度适宜

打完第三针疫苗当天来事了案 Such weather is good for a rest. 也可以 This weather is suit for sleep.

铝线自制茶具视频案 The mild weather here is suitable for humans to live on.The weather here was great, there are the best places to live.学习愉快!


为何潮湿天气关节疼痛环境优美,气候适宜 Beautiful environment, suitable climate 重点词汇版 优美graceful; exquisite; fine; concinnity; daintily 气候适宜权climate optimum; climatic optimum

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