
 admin   2023-07-31 04:20   87 人阅读  0 条评论

中央气象台天气预报..案 今天天气怎么样What's the weather like today? 或者How's the weather today? 另外DO you know When are these holidays ? 句子之中有错,应该是另外DO you

中年妈妈复古饰品案 今天的天气使人心情不好 Today's weather makes people feel bad.今天的天气使人心情不好 Today's weather makes people feel bad.

张家界下周天气预报15天案 On the morning of when the weather is bad 那天早上出发时天气非常糟糕

天气预报手机案 GREETINGS: It's a nice day today. 候语 今天天气真好。� A Good morning, Neil. A 早上好,尼尔。 B Good morning, Wei. B 早上好,薇。 A It's a nice day

浙江竹节草坪篱笆生产厂家案 时好时坏的生意 feast-or-famine business 因而,病人心绞痛症状时好时坏。 Consequently, stand or fall of patient angina symptom. 这个月的天气时好时坏,变化无常。


闽天气案 您好,您的案是When the weather is bad, eat lunch at school!

清海湖天气预报15天查询案 你好! weather 英[ˈweðə(r)] 美[ˈwɛðɚ] n. 天气, 气象; 暴风雨; vt. 晒干, 风化; vt. 平安渡过, 挨过; [地] 使风化; [例句]The weather was bad 天气很糟。

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