
 admin   2023-04-23 01:01   97 人阅读  0 条评论

英语春节前面加什么介词案 A Seven-Day Plan for Winter Holiday Winter holiday is coming.I make a seven-day(七天的) plan for it.From Monday to Tuesday I am going to do my homework.On

武汉冬季旅游去处案 1、winter的读音:英 [ˈwɪntə(r)],美 [ˈwɪntər]。 2、释义:n.冬天;冬季。 v.过冬。 3、例句 In winter the nights are long and c

刚开始锻炼怎么安排案 plan of winter holiday

团队精神故事分享案 as the The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to I hope I will have a great time there.随着寒假即将到来,我已经为我的假期做好了计划.我想

北京昌平区旅游景点案 fit.假期快到了,我有一些计划。首先是多读一些英文读物,让英文进步。其次是当义工,帮助有需要的老人们。最后我希望能多做运动,保持身体健康

拆除祠堂后需要申请宅基地吗案 In order to have colorful holidays,i have had a plan already.first,i am going to have a 为了度过丰富多的寒假,我先准备了计划。首先,我准备和我家人一起度假这样我们

淑浦县十五天天气案 I had the test,now I am on the way home.And I am going to visit a place-Pairs.it's my favorite place.i am going to stay there for a week.I want to see Eiffel Tower . Then i am

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