
 admin   2023-03-30 12:01   129 人阅读  0 条评论

微信看文章时来消息案 1 the best2 nearly everyone3 larger than4 5 for the most valuable painting 望采纳!

形容对男人绝望的句子1.yes i do 2. i don't have many books 3. gao shan's sister doesn't like playing table tennis 4.does she live ina samll house? 5. do you watch tv everyday? 6. does david get a

积极向上爱国诗歌朗诵案 did do took to

形容很努力的句子案 缩句为党支部书记是个老汉。 解释分析缩句的原则是把“枝稠叶茂”的长句子,缩短为只留“主干”的短句子,并且不能改变原句的主要意思,就是去枝减叶,缩句可

形容失恋后坚强的句子1. there isn't any read paper on the desk. 2.the twins can go to school now. 3.is there a book under the table? 4.how many children are there in the room? 5.how many woman


付出贡献的句子案 鹅毛般的大雪纷纷扬扬地下着 一个个雪娃娃旋转着她们的舞裙,纷纷扬扬地从天空中飘荡下来

文章帅吗案 1. Haven't you seen the car yet?2. Would you go with us?or Will you go with us?3. Tom lent a book to me yesterday.

咏鹅诗歌朗诵案 1、水浇多了,花会死。 2、说出的话要算数。 3、要想取得好成绩,要刻苦学习。 1、鲁讯在回信中说,他的信如果要发表,且有发表的地方,他可以同意。 2、他凑到我

家乡美的句子案 他的车像一直离弦的箭已经跑了十几万千米,还很好。小芳的连衣裙穿了两年,还很好,像新的一样。


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