
 admin   2024-06-15 02:01   13 人阅读  0 条评论

圣布家纺怎样案 the weather in london 因为天气是一个固定词 in + sw.

平价家纺批发案 what's the weather like in Lindon, does there rain a lot, the weather here is nice, the trees are green, and the flowers are red, welcome to China.

五行属金男孩起名案 The weather forecast in London 伦敦的天气预报

河南鹤壁涉外职业技术学院案 what is the weather like in London now?

茶山姑娘广场舞正面示范案 伦敦的天气不是很冷也不是很热。1. The weather in London is not very cold or very hot.2. London's weather is not cold nor hot.

酸菜酱鸭家常做法案 伦敦的天气很多变 The weather in London is so changeable

包场天气预报案 回和翻译如下 伦敦今天天气晴朗温暖 It's sunny and warm today in London

怀化到靖州多少公里案 The weather in London in changeable.

巨鹿七天天气预报案 How is the weather in London?What's the weather like in London?以上二种说法


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