
 admin   2023-03-07 05:01   145 人阅读  0 条评论

描写珊瑚的优美句子案 He was worried about his son. We felt disappointed that a heavy rain spoiled our picnic.out Tom was depressed after failing in the driving test. They are all puzzled about

形容山里凉快的句子案 你会说英语吗?Do you speak English? 除英zhi语外,他还要学德语和法dao语。Besides English, he has to study German and French. 她能说德语和法语,更不用说专英

朋友间的友谊句子简短案 主语+谓语 I study 主语+谓语+宾语 I study English. 主语+系动词+表语 I am a student. 主语+谓语+直接宾语+间接宾语 I gave him a book.(I gave a book to him.) 主语+谓语+宾

恐吓人的句子案 主语为名词或代词,谓语为be或实义动词或系动词,宾语为名词或代词。这是最简单 翻译的时候可以灵活一些,为的是让句子通顺就行。造句子很好造的,多读文章培养

表示动作的句子有哪些案 1.She is not used to the new environment. 她对新环境不习惯。2.Severe deforestation has accelerated soil erosion. 乱砍滥伐加快了水土流失。3.We spray small drops of


关于创作的句子案 用英文我可以造句 I can speak Enlish.我可以用英文 I can speak good Enlish.我能说一口流利的英语。

不辜负岁月的句子we should have bought a new lock for the front door. 我们本该买把新锁安在前门上. you shouldn't drink and drive.你不应该喝酒后开车. i must go to the bank to get some

加南诗歌小敏的歌you能做主语,也就是放在句首 him是he的宾格,放在动词或介词后面,不能用作主语的 he能放在句首 一个句子最基本是主+谓,而主语和谓语有成千上万个,主要看你表

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