
 admin   2023-03-05 20:01   140 人阅读  0 条评论

爱生活爱工作的句子案 对不起我不出来 I'm sorry I can't guess.对不起我不出来 I'm sorry I can't guess.

表达担心一个人的句子案 sorry抱歉 forgive me原谅我 that's right没关系 all right 没关系 never mind不介意 that's Ok没什么 it doesn't matter 那没什么

乌镇文章案 谢谢:thank you , thank you very much , thanks , thanks a lot . 对不起:sorry , i'm sorry , i'm so sorry ,.

关于秦霄贤的句子回对不起:it doesn't matter. 回谢谢:it's my preasure.

别拿别人当傻子的句子案 right,指的不是“对”的意思,而是“不用谢” that's right才是对的意思 表示谢谢的有:thank you,thanks,it's very kind of you,i can't th


描写鲸落的优美的句子pardon me, excuse me, i am sorry 都是对不起 请采纳谢谢

孔子对于孝的句子案 i am sorry that ../.i am sorry about i am sorry

形容认真专注的句子案 含有谢谢你不客气对不起没关系 Contains thank you you are sorry not to mention the relationship 含有谢谢你不客气对不起没关系 Contains thank you you are sorry not to

抗击疫情的句子小学生你好,口语版对不起可翻译为:excuse me.书面版:i'm sorry.常见版:sorry,加上理由…… 满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!


爱护环境的诗歌I'm sorry.

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