翻译 英语朗诵,中英文在线翻译

 admin   2023-12-16 10:01   76 人阅读  0 条评论

助农惠民科普基地项目申报案 Five Minutes to Spare抽出五分钟To answer the telephone 听一听电话 To read the morning paper 读一读早报 To talk with a neighbor 跟邻居谈一谈 To dispute with the

一根细吸管做乐器案 English reading,对于楼上说用speaking更多偏向于口语!!!!1

职场男性头发颜色recitation in English

园林局开展公园广场消杀案 轻轻的我走了, Very quietly I take my leave 正如我轻轻的来; As quietly as I came here; 我轻轻的招手, Quietly I wave good-bye 作别西天的云。 To the rosy clouds in

潮牌微商99特价鞋案 Lingoes 灵格斯 这款翻译软件挺好的,我也正在用。


定制全屋网站案 Find the court cards One by one; Raise it, roof it, Now it's done; Shake the table! That's the fun.

笔记本开机声音怎么去掉案 朗诵 read aloud with expression/ declaim/ recite/ deliver a recitation

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