
 admin   2023-03-05 14:01   134 人阅读  0 条评论

赞美景色的句子案 this film is more interesting than that one.这部电影比那部有意思。interesting 是形容词 2 he is taller tha me .他比我高的多。tall是形容词


关于花草树木的句子than的太多了 i'm taller than you .you are fooler than me.还有很多其它比较的,常用的就是prefer to,compare with and so on.eg:china is poor compare with the us.

形容心机婊的文雅句子I'm taller than him. I'm the tallest one. I'm cooler than him, I'm the coolest one. I'm smarter than him, I'm the smartest one. I'm slimmer than him, I'm the slimmest one. I'm richer

适合发说说的句子可爱You'd better eat less and take more exercise, if you want to be thinner.

女主强大非人类现代文案 例1:He is taller than I. He is the tallest of all boys.例2:She is more beautiful than Mary.She is the most beautiful of all girls.

描写交通的句子案 He is taller than me.She is much funnier than me.XiaoMing is shorter than all his classmates.XiaoLi is more beautiful than XiaoLing.You are more boried than anyone else I

介绍老师的句子1.football is more popular than baseball 比棒更受欢迎 2.she works harder than 今天比昨天热多了。 形容词比较级的结构:be 动词+形容词比较级或者有多音节的单

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