
 admin   2023-12-08 14:01   60 人阅读  0 条评论

童竞争对手分析案 Ran across the street in a white shirt 穿着白色衬衫跑着穿过街道

髋关节跑步不通走路痛穿着 wearing

徐凤年吐血电视剧片段推荐案 额 楼上是机器翻的吧。。I go exercise in my sport suit.

书法的印泥用什么案 穿zhuo还是穿着? 穿zhuo的话是wear或者 dress up。 穿zhe的话可以直接用in来加后面穿着的服装。 例句My sister is wearing a pink dress. The girl in pink dress is my

2019男孩留学案 Upper body milk wearing a yellow, dark green, brown and white, four-color shirt box between Lower part of the body was wearing a dark blue sports trousers, formal trousers,


张译疯狂飙戏片段案 穿着 英文(衣着; 装束) dress; apparel; what one wears; array have on They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat. 虽然天气越来越热,他们仍全部

汽车一次保养多少案 作状语的话,in+衣服 作谓语的话,wear+衣服

房间里的绿植盆景网购买案 wear 不能用dress,dress是瞬间性动词,表动作,译为穿上(正在穿衣) 只有wear才表示穿着

闺蜜大家27案 Wearing new clothes walking through the city 穿着新装步行穿过城市


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