
 admin   2023-11-29 08:01   49 人阅读  0 条评论

杭州市屋顶绿化案 go or stay???

东莞旅游有什么好玩的案 I wouldn't like to go to school.或者I don't want to go to school. I don't like to go to school.

哇塞哥抖音案 1) I have not finished my homework, thus I can not go.2) I can not go because I haven't finished my homework.

周易八卦用星币硬币怎么算案 We don't go to school on weekends. 其中,普通意义上的“在周末”这个常态意思,一共有4表达方式 at the weekend 英式英语 on the weekend 美式 at weekends 英式 on

居家隔离用门磁吗案 我不想去哪里,英语 I don't want to go anywhere .I want to go nowhere .


江西九江园林建筑快题设计案 Must I go there? 即可 我必须要去么? 也就是 “我能否不去呢?”

听说罗炳翔大夫在家坐诊案 No past no ridge on 没有过去的山脊

九星七曜吉凶图案 i won't go to the zoo. i don't like to go to the zoo. i wouldn't love to go to the zoo. 都行,看什么语境

锦江区园林绿化工程方案i can go. 我不能去。 i'm afraid i can go. 恐怕我不能去。 I have no time to be there. 我没空去那。


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