
 admin   2023-11-06 11:01   51 人阅读  0 条评论

汉中南郑区持续干旱A用when引导的进行时态 B只有它是形容词 C hear sb do sth Arecieve强调事实而accept强调主观意愿 A 建立的意思

石嘴山十五天天气案 That's her new watch【改成复数句】 That are her new watches.There are some chairs in the room.【改为一般疑句】 What's in the room?There is some milk in the bottle.

兰蔻bb霜多少案 1. Where would / to go 2. don't like / and 3. Would / some 4. spend Sunday 5. are . bowls 6. What size 1. What kind of 2. What size bag 3. Would / like 4. wants 5. What sizes

家庭油条配方和制作过程1. least 2.visitors 3,milk 4 business


吉利新能源电动汽车案 there are a lot of people at the bus stop this morning the little boy ate an apple in the kitchen greedily. she draws beautifully. I like music very much. they built a new school in

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股债转注意事项案 我的英语还可以,一般是123--126分左右,比较稳定。我的建议希望对你有帮助!做完型填空时,结合语境分析很关键,多数情况下要看的是文章的含义。作题时,要先通读原文,了解大意。最好是在不看案的情况下

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